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Arts and Humanities related majors at Duke Kunshan University are designed to teach students critical thinking skills, analysis, research, and problem solving for a variety of future career paths. What matters most in our complex world is not simply the skills you have but how you think. Arts and Humanities faculty guide students in learning how to weave ways of knowing with ways of doing. Through interdisciplinary course work that overlaps with both Natural Science and Social Science, majors within the Arts and Humanities strengthen your mental agility, your capacity for analysis and research, your writing skills, your command of interpretive reasoning, your ability to persuade others of your viewpoint, and your social and cultural competence. These are essential skills whether your future career path leads you into graduate school, business, law, public service, medicine, teaching, design, creative arts, or technology. You can visit the divisional site for more information.

Students in Social Sciences engage with a wide variety of different areas for research and scholarship. The expansive views of human knowledge taken by the different social sciences (cultural anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, psychology and public policy, with more to come) mean that our students can work at the interface of the natural sciences and/or the arts and humanities, as well as digging deep into social science topics themselves. DKU exists as a space of encounter between different cultural worlds and histories: the outlooks and knowledge acquired through study of the social sciences will be essential to navigating those worlds – and ultimately to bringing them together.

In the Division of Natural and Applied Sciences, students prepare for their futures by developing a deep understanding of the basic concepts and techniques relevant to an interdisciplinary scientific field. Faculty members are world class experts in their academic areas who value teaching and research experiences with undergraduate students. With a broad range of contemporary degrees including life sciences, physical sciences, and data and computer sciences, students completing a major in the division will be well-prepared for careers and a broad array of post-graduate academic programs. You can visit the divisional site for more information

The Language and Culture Center (LCC) is the academic division in Duke Kunshan University responsible for offering language courses, especially courses in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). The LCC also offers advanced courses in written and oral communication skills, and independent study courses for learning additional languages. The LCC sponsors a variety of language and culture learning activities for the Duke Kunshan University community and supports groups such as the Kun Opera Club.


Mission statement:

The Language and Culture Center serves the students, staff, and faculty of Duke Kunshan University, and also works to build ties and relationships between DKU and the Kunshan and Jiangnan community. Through teaching, research, and personal practice, the LCC carries out the following primary missions:


  • Language Teaching and Learning: Teach foreign languages and foreign language learning skills; cultivate a campus culture of language learning and multilingualism.
  • Culture Learning: Promote interest in learning about new cultures; cultivate intercultural competence
  • Communication Skills: Teach effective written and oral communication skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills: Promote critical thinking skills, especially as related to academic competencies such as research, presentations, and academic publishing.
  • Writing and Language Studio: Through the WLS, the LCC also provides individualized coaching for Duke Kunshan students, faculty and staff in Writing, Chinese/English language and other languages.