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Undergraduate students will declare their majors in their second year. Duke Kunshan currently offers the following majors approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, and more majors are under development. Some of the MOE approved majors have multiple tracks.

Prospective students interested in attending medical school upon graduation from DKU, and who commit to pursuing the Biology track in the Global Health major or Data Science major are eligible to apply for the Duke Kunshan-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway. This is a unique opportunity to gain conditional acceptance into the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore along with your admission to Duke Kunshan University’s undergraduate program. Further details, including admissions criteria, can be found here.

Majors (listed in alphabetical order)

Requirements for All Majors

All students regardless of their choice of major will be required to complete the following courses. Other specific major requirements are listed under each major.  Note that students belonging to class of 2026 and previous classes must consult the Bulletin published in their first year to learn graduation requirements for their class year.

Common Core (12 Credits)

Academic Year

Course Code

Course Name

Course Credit

First Year


China in the World


Second Year


Global Challenges in Science, Technology, and Health


Third Year


Ethics, Citizenship & the Examined Life


Distributional Requirement and Quantitative Reasoning Course Requirement (16 Credits)


Course Credit

Arts and Humanities Distributional Requirement


Social Sciences Distributional Requirement


Natural and Applied Sciences Distributional Requirement


Quantitative Reasoning Course Requirement


Language Courses (8-16 Credits)

Please see details in Part 3: The Curriculum from the latest UG bulletin


Students in the English for academic purposes (EAP) track are required to complete eight credits of EAP courses – EAP 101A to EAP 102B; they can also complete elective 200+ level EAP courses or WOC courses to further develop their academic English skills.

Students in the Chinese as Second Language (CSL) track need to complete 8-16 credits of CHINESE courses appropriate to their Chinese skill level. 


Students who are not assigned to either the EAP track or the CSL track can satisfy their foreign language requirement by taking advanced written and oral communication (WOC) courses, or courses in an additional language.

Writing Course (2 Credits)

Please see details in Part 3: The Curriculum from the latest UG bulletin

Two Signature Work Capstone Courses (8 credits)

Resulting in a Signature Work Product. Please see details in Part 3: The Curriculum from the latest UG bulletin

Course Code

Course Name

Course Credit


Signature Work Capstone I



Signature Work Capstone II


Required Experiential Learning Activity

1 Experiential learning activity,  a core component of signature work that aligns the formal curriculum and 7 animating principles with practica, internships and other hands-on experiences.

Mini-Term Course

1 Non-credit Mini-Term Course

Mini-term courses are intensive, non-credit, non-graded, one-week short courses. There are two types of mini-term courses:  Exploratory and Signature Work. Please see details in Part 3: The Curriculum.