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Fall 2022 Authorized Returns to China Q&A

Below please find the Zoom Recording and Important documents for 2022 International Students Return Q&A Session happened on June 6th, 2022 (China Time). We hope you will find this information useful.

Several of you have asked whether a charter flight from the US might be possible.  We are looking into this option to determine feasibility.  However, please be aware that, at this point in time, we cannot guarantee that such a flight would be offered. We also do not yet know the date or price of any such flight. If you would be interested in taking such a flight, should it become available, please fill out this survey. We will keep you posted as we learn more. However, we are unlikely to have a definitive answer prior to your June 10 decision deadline, so we would encourage you to make that decision with the assumption that a group flight will not be available.


DKU Undergraduate Studies

DKU International Student Services

DKU Office of Global Education

Duke Kunshan International Financial Aid