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Opportunities for Students

Please visit here for more detail.

Invite a Professor to Lunch! 

The Office of Academic Services is providing fund for UG students to invite their professors to lunch on campus. Interested students should first talk to their professors to agree on a common time and place for the lunch. Then they can submit a request for a FLUNCH coupon here. The Office of Academic Services covers 70 RMB per FLUNCH meal.

Please allow at least 3 business days to process your FLUNCH coupon request. Please note that, if you have participated in the FLUNCH program last semester, you are now granted another FLUNCH opportunity. 

Please contact Office of Academic Services at if you have any questions or concerns.

Students are invited by Dean Lingling Wang and Dean Christopher Van Velzer to enjoy treats and have conversations in an informal setting. Tea with the Deans is usually held the first Wednesday of every month during the academic year, from 4:00-5:00 pm on the 3rd floor CCT breezeway (connector between east and west wings).  Look for announcements about the next event in the DKU Activities Weekly Announcements and on the campus TV Screens.

Students are welcome to drop by Dean Wang’s office, or join her for a meal or coffee to say hi, introduce yourself, seek advice, provide feedback on how things are going, or just chat. Dean of Academic Services Hours are held most Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm and Fridays 9:15 -10:15 am in ADB 1106. Remote participants should contact DKU Office of Academic Services for the Zoom link.


No appointment is necessary during office hours. To schedule an appointments at other times, please contact DKU Office of Academic Services

Limited funding is available to support entrance fees to student contests and competitions.  All such competitions must have a DKU faculty sponsor.  Please contact DKU Office of Academic Services for more information.

Limited funding is available to support students presenting their research at regional, national, and international conferences. Research must be mentored by a DKU faculty or be part of the student’s signature work. Click HERE to apply!


Please contact DKU Office of Academic Services for more information.

DKU Philharmonic Orchestra

The DKU Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 2019 under the direction of Maestro Yue Cheng. Georgi Videnov joined DKU as the new conductor for DKU philharmonic Orchestra in Fall 2023. Students interested in joining the ensemble should contact Georgi Videnov


DKU Chorale

The DKU Chorale was initiated by students in 2018 has been under the direction of Mickey Zhang since 2020. Students interested in joining the ensemble should contact Yi Zhang


Chamber Music

Students interested in playing in small chamber ensembles can contact Prof. Maximiliano Amici at The repertoire will be concorded between the participants and the instructor.