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Duke Kunshan University Signature Work Research Grants
(Academic Year 2024-25)


The Signature Work Research Grants (SWRG) are provided to help defray research expenses for DKU student signature work (SW) projects. The SW research grant makes funds available to purchase approved supplies and equipment (nondurable goods) for SW-related research projects. It may also be used to pay research participants in IRB-approved studies when appropriate. Grants may not be used to purchase personal items, books, journals, cameras, laptops, e-readers, hardware, or to pay for training or classes, or to pay salaries. In special circumstances, grants have been approved for short-term license agreements for specialized software and cloud storage of data as well as GPU time. In such cases, both the applicant and the SW mentor will both need to provide compelling arguments as to why available resources are insufficient for the project. In general, the grants will not pay for reusable equipment, although exceptions will be considered with suitable justification. Any non-disposable items must be pre-approved for purchase using SWRG funds and, if approved, are the property of DKU, not the SWRG recipient.


The supported work may be carried out during the academic year or the summer months. The research may be the student’s independent research idea, or it may be related to a DKU faculty member’s research. For the latter, the grant should explain why additional funds from the SWRG program are needed. DKU will generally not provide research expenses for a student doing experiential learning with a non-DKU faculty.


The grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and funds may not be adequate to fund all proposals. The maximum amount of the SW Research Grant is RMB 3250. A small number of supplemental awards (up to an additional 6750 RMB, for a maximum total award of 10,000 RMB) are available through the Signature Fund (SF) (see SF Call for Proposals below). Because there is a limit to how many students will be awarded an SF, please only apply for the SF if the extra funding is needed to successfully execute your project. Students who require larger amounts are encouraged to seek alternate funding sources. They should also consult with their SW mentor on how they might revise their project to reduce costs. All funds must be used before the final due date of the SW project in the senior year. All expenses must be documented with a fapiao to be reimbursed1. All fapiao must be submitted for reimbursement according to the six-month accounting cycle described in the dates and deadlines below, and outlined in the award letter. Spending above the awarded grant amount will not be reimbursed.

1There are two exceptions to the Fapiao rule. (1) Compensation for research participants has evolving requirements. Check with SWRG email account for the current requirements before you begin to spend money. (2) Expenses outside of China do not normally need a fapiao, but you should check to make sure what is considered an acceptable “proof of purchase” document.


The SWRG program is open to any DKU junior or senior student whose Signature Work Project Proposal (SWPP) has been approved and who have completed the required CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training certification. A student may receive up to a maximum of two SWRGs, but they cannot receive more than one SWRG per academic year, and priority is given to students who have not yet had a SWRG or SF. Any student applying for a second SWRG must provide documentation of how the first SWRG was spent and justify the need for additional funding. Awards that carry over into the summer may be used in conjunction with a Summer Research Scholars (SRS) or Student Experiential Learning Fellowship (SELF) project. Students may not receive more than one SF.


Students must be enrolled in a SW Capstone course during the academic year or doing approved SW-related research (SRS, SELF, or faculty funded) over the summer in order to be eligible for this grant, and all projects must be directly related to the student’s SW project.


Students doing team-based signature work projects are welcome to apply, but the total amount requested by all team members may not exceed the per-person limits or the total amount needed for the project. Each team member applies individually, but must reference the other team members, and each must specify how their grant will be contributing to the needs of the team. Carefully view the instructions and the example template for guidance.


It is anticipated that SWRG proposals will be reviewed there times in the 2024-2025 academic year: September 15, January 15, and May 15. Complete applications by these dates will receive equal consideration; late applications will be considered at the next funding deadline.


All funded students will be required to confirm acceptance of the grant within 1 week of notification.


Please note:

  • This application requires that students have an approved SWPP.
  • This application requires that students have completed the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training, which is a SW requirement.
  • If working with Human Subjects, this application requires that students have completed or have submitted an initial application for approval to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Consult with your mentor.
  • All applications require a letter of support from your Signature Work Mentor
  • Applications submitted incorrectly will not be considered.



Applications are submitted by students using the online form, and consist of:

  1. Name, NetID, and major/track of the student or students
  2. Name and NetID of Signature Work mentor
  3. Details of when you will complete foundation courses and capstone courses
  4. Transcript or screenshot of course history with grades
  5. Name and NetID of participants in team-based SW projects.
  6. A copy of your SWPP
  7. A copy of IRB materials, if applicable.
  8. A single page document that clearly shows how the money will support research that is directly connected to the Signature Work project.
  9. Proposed budget on the budget template, itemizing materials and supplies, equipment, and research participant expenses. The total amount requested for an SWRG can be up to a maximum of 3250 RMB.
  10. Detailed justification of budget, explaining why items are needed and why the SW mentor is not covering expenses. For team-based projects, the role of each student and their funding needs should be clearly specified.
  11. If the student would like to be considered for an SF: a. A supplemental budget clearly indicating what would be covered by the additional 6750 RMB, should the additional funds be awarded. b. A detailed justification for why the additional funds would significantly improve the quality of the experience or project.
  12. If this is an application for a second SWRG, provide a progress report to date, along with documentation of how the first SWRG was spent and a justification of the need for additional funding.
  13. A brief explanation of how you will modify your project if you do not receive sufficient funding.
  14. Disclosure of any other funding (pending, current, or previous), including funding from DKU sources such as SRS, SELF, or previous SWRG.
  15. Letter of support from SW mentor, to be submitted by the Faculty Recommendation Form.  Your Signature Work Mentor will automatically receive an e-mail invitation with a link to the faculty recommendation form when you submit your application, though you can send them the link in advance.  It is the student’s responsibility to contact this person to request that they write a letter of recommendation. Please give them advance notice at least 1 week before the deadline.  All of your materials, including the letter of recommendation, must be received by the deadline for your application to be considered complete. Applications without a faculty recommendation will not be reviewed. You must provide your SW mentor with a copy of your proposal, budget, and budget justification, and their letter should include an assessment of the research, your ability to carry it out, their role in oversight of the research, and the fit of the research to your SW project. Your SW mentor should also include an evaluation of your proposed budget.
  16. For any case in which the student(s) will be working independently or in a different location from their experiential learning supervisor or SW mentor, please indicate plans for adequate supervision, compliance with local health and safety regulations, if applicable, and housing arrangements, if applicable.

The following considerations should be addressed in the SWPP, other application materials, and/or letter of recommendation:

       a. The connection of the research to the student’s signature work project should be clear
       b. The student’s qualifications and preparation for the proposed work or activity
       c. The role of each student, for team-based projects
       d. The student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of her/his role in the proposed activity.


Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1.  Budget and budget justification
  2.  Feasibility of the project, including whether it can be carried out with available funding
  3. Connection to signature work
  4. Mentor recommendation
  5. Other funding sources
  6. Graduation year
  7. Submission date
  8. Priority will be given to students who have not had a previous SWRG
  9. Students who have completed eight semesters of study, students who have have failed a capstone for SW, or students who are on academic integrity probation are not eligible for SWRG.


Priority is given to students who might not otherwise be able to carry out their signature work project without this funding.



Students must submit a copy of their final SW Project Abstract to the Office of Academic Services at by the SW submission deadline.  Students must also submit a copy of their budget documenting how the funding was spent and explaining any deviations from the original budget. Students awarded the SF will be required to write a thank you note showing their gratitude for the donors’ generous contribution to the SF fund. The Development Office may ask students to participate in other activities, including meeting with donors or making a video.


All publications, conference posters or presentations, or other means of dissemination resulting from work supported by an SWRG and/or SF should acknowledge funding from the Duke Kunshan University Signature Work Research Grant program and/or the Duke Kunshan University Signature Fund program. A copy of the publication or conference paper, poster, or abstract should be submitted to the Office of Academic Services at

Dates and Deadlines2

September 1, 2024: Fall 2024 Application opens

September 8, 2024: Grant Proposal Writing Workshop

September 15, 2024: Fall 2024 SWRG & SF Application Deadline, closes at 11:59 pm China Time. All SWRG and SF applications received by this deadline will receive equal consideration.

October 11, 2024: Target date for sending out SWRG award letters

December 15, 2024: Last day to submit fapiao for reimbursement for expenses between July and December 2024. No fapiao for expenses incurred during this time period will be accepted after this date.

January 15, 2025: Spring 2025 SWRG & SF Application Deadline, closes at 11:59 pm China Time. All SWRG and SF applications received by this deadline will receive equal consideration.

April, 2025: SW Conference and Exhibition (Class of 2025). SWRG/SF funds for graduating students cannot be used past this date.

April 15, 2025: (Class of 2025) Last day to submit fapiao for reimbursement for expenses between January and April. No fapiao will be accepted after this date.

May 15, 2025: Summer 2025 SWRG & SF Application Deadline, closes at 11:59 pm China Time. All SWRG and SF applications received by this deadline will receive equal consideration.

June 15, 2025: (Non-graduating students) Last day to submit fapiao for reimbursement for expenses incurred between January and June 2025. No fapiao for expenses incurred during this time period will be accepted after this date.

December 15, 2025: Last day to submit fapiao for reimbursement for expenses incurred between July and December 2025. No fapiao for expenses incurred during this time period will be accepted after this date.

April 15, 2026: (Class of 2026) Last day to submit fapiao for reimbursement for expenses between January and April. No fapiao will be accepted after this date.

2All SW deadlines are subject to change. Please follow dates provided by the SW Offic

Application Review

The SWRG is administered by the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies through the Office of Academic Services and the Office of Signature Work, and applications are reviewed by the Signature Work Committee.


Find your answers in SRS SWRG SELF SF FAQs 2024.

Contact the Office of Academic Services–SWRG program 

or the Signature Work Office