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Opportunities for Faculty

At Duke Kunshan, students can connect what they learn in classrooms to broader, real-life contexts through Friday field trip experiences.

We have limited funding available for faculty who wish to invite a guest speaker from outside DKU to visit their class. Although guest speakers may travel from anywhere within China, funding is more competitive for speakers who are not local to DKU (outside of the Shanghai, Suzhou area). Faculty who are interested in inviting a guest speaker should contact the UG Academic Activities Coordinators.


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DKU has funding available for class activities such as poster sessions, classroom demonstrations, or film screenings. These activities typically take place on campus or within walking distance (such as Dayu Bay). Please consider current social distancing guidelines when planning any type of class activity in Fall 2021. The maximum budget is CNY 75 per enrolled student for a regular-sized course.  There is no limit on the number of the activities that can be held as long as the total expense doesn’t exceed the maximum budget.  


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The Office of Undergraduate Studies provides funding opportunity for faculty to support community-based learning (CBL) initiatives for courses taught at DKU. Faculty who may be interested in adding a community-based learning component to an existing or new UG course should contact Jiawen Cai at for more information.


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To promote undergraduate teaching at Duke Kunshan University, the Undergraduate Studies program will offer grants of ¥3,000 to assist in the formation of teaching cohorts. The funds may be used to facilitate regular meetings of your cohort to discuss better sequencing, continuity, integration or interdisciplinarity between courses, within and among divisions and the LCC.


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To promote interdisciplinary research at Duke Kunshan University, the Undergraduate Studies program will offer grants of up to ¥5,000 to assist in the formation of high level interdisciplinary research networks. All DKU faculty are eligible to apply, but each network must significantly include faculty who teach in the undergraduate program and/or LCC. 


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